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11 people who took the art of the 'sneaky naggin' to the next level

We bow to you.

LOOK. DRINK IS expensive. Who can blame these geniuses for finding a work-around? We certainly can’t.

1. The totally subtle naggin-in–the-ponytail job

2. This gal who created a ‘beer-ito’

tumblr_m9hh61cZ4X1qahi84o1_500 Source: ricepeeloff.tumblr.com


3. The ‘baby flask’

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Wa58lHe Source: Imgur

Doting dad? No. Banter merchant? Yes.

4. This person who is ‘on a roll’ (sorry)

iMWBb Source: r/lifehacks

5. And this woman who used her loaf (SORRY)

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6. This girl who got crafty with a few tampons

neN2mqn Source: Imgur

Full how-to here.

7. This teen who found a new use for a tube of Pringles

8. These two utilising a nifty sunscreen bottle trick

You’ll look deranged, but what harm?

9. And this girl cleaning out an old makeup bottle just for smuggling purposes

10. This guy who chose saving money over comfort

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BiktwCAIEAAZKha Source: Twitter/@ry_erickson

11. And the girls who actually did this

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More: Someone has come up with an ingenious way to sneak booze into a festival>

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